“Imagine you go to college and get your first credit card. Loving the fact that you don’t seem to need real money, you run up $50,000 in debt. As you become aware that when you use a credit card you are, in fact, spending real money, you realize you are trapped by your foolish decisions. You cannot even make that …
“The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great the darkness.” Matthew 6:22-23 When I was young, my family went …
Recently, the word ‘daily’ has been standing out for me. It seems so easy to do this Christian life thing in chunks and spurts but more difficult to allow God to set the rhythm of my life. It’s difficult to stay efficient and contemplative at the same time. Life-styles demand efficiency. My soul desperately needs contemplation. Since I choose not …
Usually I write my own blogs. Today, however, I want to share something I read by Margaret Silf from her book Inner Compass. It rocked my world. Check it out: “Each breath a stepping-stone to God.” These words have made a home in my heart. I let the feeling paint its picture in my prayer today. I let myself walk into the …
The following is a song I wrote many years ago. I was going through a dark time and could not figure out how to find God. It is dark. Evil surrounds a weary soul. Don’t understand why You don’t intervene and take control. Your tear-stained eyes I do not see. I’m blinded by the fear inside of me.
“O Lord, You have searched me and known me.” (Psalm 139:1) Don’t we all want to be known? Don’t we all want to be discovered? Not caught, or found out, but really understood in our deepest places? We need someone who can bridge the gap between what we do (being caught) and who we are (being known). Most of us, …
I was talking with a friend yesterday about the American evangelical church. I often wonder if we, as a whole group, have started to drift away from some important things. As a counselor, I really appreciate teaching that helps the average pew-sitter to function better. How do I parent better? How do I improve my communication with a spouse or …
So I’ve been studying the book of Exodus. I thought it fitting this week as we celebrate our Nation’s freedom. Both focus on our need to be free. As humans we were not made to be in bondage. We were not designed to wear shackles of any kind whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually. We were made for freedom. Gerald May, …
Sorry I haven’t blogged for so long. I’m hoping this once-per-quarter entry will pick back up again now that MY BOOK IS FINISHED! It is at the editor’s now and should come back to me mid-week. After that, I will make the needed corrections, format it for the publisher, and they will make me a book. It feels like I’m …