The Art of Breathing

Once upon a time God created man and woman from the dust of the earth and breathed into their nostrils the breath of life, and they became living beings.  After a few years on this planet, really living seems a bit idealistic.  We are more likely to settle for making a living.  Most of us simply want the checkbook to balance at the end of the month and the car to survive until the next Christmas bonus.  Life on this side of Eden is not what we hoped for.  It is not what we were made for.  Something is missing. 

For many of us, our evangelical roots have left us feeling like we are on a treadmill, never gaining traction to move forward in a deeper way with Jesus. We feel unequipped to face the overwhelming challenges of our world with the biblical tools we have been given. We strive and strive to serve more, learn more, and hope that somehow that formula will start to produce a vibrant sense of abundance in Christ. But our spiritual lives still feel disconnected from our everyday moments.

The Art of Breathing: Abiding in Christ was written to guide us on a journey of naming, owning, and surrendering those things that inhibit us from experiencing the full picture of what God is offering so that we can live into a life that is truly in Christ. Jesus, in John 15, called this abiding.

As we abide in Christ, we offer Him our hearts.  God, in turn, offers His heart.  We point to Him.  He points to us.  We give Him our hurts.  He heals and restores us to wholeness.  We go back and forth, again and again.  We breathe out ourselves and inhale His presence, a fluid motion of abiding. This is the abundant life.  This is the Art of Breathing.

With helpful questions at the end of each chapter, this book is a great resource for individuals or small groups that want to go deeper.

(to read the introduction, click here)

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