This week is always a special week for me. Obviously, it is a special week in the life of every Christ-follower as this is the time of year when we focus on, and take in, the death and resurrection of our Savior. I have been reading, in the different Gospel accounts, the story of this week again and again. Today, …
What would it have been like to be part of the fickle crowd around Jesus? I have often reflected on how I would have reacted to the major shift in thinking. One week the people are praising Jesus as the Messiah. The next week they had Him on a cross. Am I like that, I wonder? Do I change that …
I recently read a book called, “Coming Home to Your True Self: Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions” by Albert Haase. What an amazing work this is! I highly recommend it! The author truly captures the struggle that we, as fallen people, have as we try to connect with God. The following is my take-away from reading it, but I …
So I haven’t posted a blog in over a month. Let me fill you in… At Christmas this last year I decided it was the right time to find my own place to live. I had been living with a friend, and loved it, but really wanted my own space. So I started looking. I found this great 2-bedroom townhouse …
It’s been an interesting week. I am in the process of purchasing a townhouse so I’m beginning the packing process. Arrgh! I have so much stuff! How can this be? How can I have so much and still always want more? What is wrong with me? Seriously! Yesterday, as I was faxing the parts of my loan application to the …
While speaking to a friend about her constant struggle with perfectionism, I asked her what she thinks she would be able to do if she was perfect that she can’t do now? She responded, “I could stop the same sins that I keep doing over and over again. I would be stronger.” This got me thinking. A lot! I often …
So last Saturday I got to hang out with these two. The good news is…I get to do it again this Saturday! These precious tiny people belong to my friends Nicky and Tim Long. Rebecca and Tyler were born in early November a bit too early and are finally home, after a surgery each, and doing well. I definitely had …
(I recently wrote this to a friend who sent an article questioning the goodness of God after the earthquakes in Haiti.) I am always fascinated by views about the hand of God from people trying to figure out the heart of God. His goodness is always put under the microscope when circumstances prove to be difficult, as if His goodness …
I have thought about this truth a lot this week. I was reminded how central this thought, about the goodness of God, is to the Christian faith and to Spiritual transformation. I know this well in my head. I often experience it in my heart. But I find I it so easy to allow anxiety and the “cares of the …