So I haven’t posted a blog in over a month. Let me fill you in…
At Christmas this last year I decided it was the right time to find my own place to live. I had been living with a friend, and loved it, but really wanted my own space. So I started looking. I found this great 2-bedroom townhouse for a price I couldn’t pass up. I put in the offer. Within 2 days it was settled and we had a closing date. I had 3 weeks to pack, set up utilities, change my mail, arrange for help moving, rent the moving truck, buy a new kitchen table, sell the old one that wouldn’t fit, and work full-time through the whole thing. I’ve been very tired.
So I closed on February 25th, moved in on the 27th, and my mom came on the 28th to help me settle in. On Monday, the 1st, she organized my kitchen while I went to work. I had already blocked off Tuesday and Wednesday from work so I decided to stay home with my mom those 2 days in order for us to get a lot done. You see, I was supposed to be Colorado speaking at a conference those two days. About 2 weeks before, the conference was canceled due to a low registration. The economy has hit churches hard and there is nothing extra for conference spending. My mom came to stay with me for the week instead because my father was also in Colorado (attending another meeting) for a week and she didn’t want to be alone. We thought the blessings ended there. But God knew something we didn’t.
We woke up Tuesday morning and I was excited to see how much we could get finished. My mom, however, was not feeling well. She complained of a sore jaw and pressure in her chest. She felt this way before, about 15 years ago, when she had a heart attack.
We went off to the emergency room and spent the day with mom hooked up to all kinds of monitors. By the end of the day we knew the result. Mom had a minor heart attack. The next day we had the heart cath and they discovered no blockage. The doctor believed her attack was brought on by high blood pressure that may have been triggered by a new med she is taking.
My dad flew in on Wednesday night. We brought her home on Thursday afternoon. My house was still a wreck. But God was in it all.
What if my mom was alone in her house when this happened? What if I had not already planned to have those days off? What if I did not have my own place so my family could come and stay as long as needed? God knew exactly what we needed and arranged for things to fall into place. I’m convinced. As I walked through that hospital, trying to find some lunch, I knew Jesus walked with me, comforting me as I cried. He took care of all the details.
So I’m still working a lot, but I’m in my house and it is slowly coming together. But isn’t that so much of life? We keep doing the everyday and somehow it slowly comes together. I am learning to keep walking through the hard stuff and then I get through the other side. “Just keep swimming,” as Dori says (from Finding Nemo). We just have to keep moving through because Jesus walks with us.
It is my goal to start writing here again. Sorry for such a long break. I finally found my desk, my computer, and my internet so I’m back in business.
Blessings on your day and thanks for reading.