So I wrecked my car, got a ticket (in the accident), and I think I may have lost a filling. Not sure. The rental went back yesterday since the insurance settled on Friday. I have no car, and if that’s not punishment enough, I have to pay a fine. A friend told me that she got the same ticket and it cost her $600. I freaked! Lots of loss in one chunk.
I spoke with my dad on Saturday about my car situation. I almost bought a new one that day but he told me to wait. He wants to help me. He is offering 0% financing on a car if I can wait until Thanksgiving to buy one in Charlotte. Hmmmm…ah YEAH! Of course I can wait. But what about going to work? My mom arrived yesterday, just after I dropped of the rental, to give me her car until then. My dad is coming today to pick her up.
I called about the ticket: it’s $145. And my insurance has accident forgiveness so it won’t cost more. And I have dental insurance.
It’s funny how the little things build up and how God begins working in the little things. He knows what I need before I do and He works out the details before I need to worry about them. Oh, I still worry about them. But I’m learning that He is already there. The details are the places He loves to show up in. The seemingly insignificant moments that, when piled together become overwhelming, are the places that He shines.
I cannot express enough gratitude for my parents, my car insurance, and $145 to cover the ticket. But I don’t forget the Source. He is the Great Puzzle God who can put all the pieces together at the right time to make a chaotic picture come together. I pray you experience Him in the tiny details of life.