I spoke with a group of women this evening about all the ways we try to survive our fallen nature. Designed for intimacy, we isolate or escape to addictions. Made with dignity and ability, we live as victims in passivity or entitlement. Confused about our humanity, we strive to become independent masters of our own fate. All these approaches rip us from what is most true about us: we were made for intimate connection and relationship with our Creator. Why is this so hard? If the Abundant Life is ours for the taking then why don’t we take it? But maybe that’s our problem. What if it’s not ours to take but ours to receive? What if we cannot achieve this life through our attempts and efforts? The Abundant Life requires humility not effort. But just like Adam and Eve, we are trying to do life without connection to the Source of Life. They wanted the knowledge of good and evil (an attribute of God) without needing to know God. We, also, want His presents (wisdom, strength, blessing) without His presence. Unfortunately for us, our attempts to “work the formulas” and “be good Christians” keeps us from experiencing what God is actually offering. Our attempts to survive the Fall are killing us.